Online Social Networks: Challenges and Perspectives

Vi propongo un Call for Papers di un convegno sui Social Network di cui sono uno degli organizzatori. Chi volesse proporsi per partecipare può scrivere a Qui di seguito le istruzioni:

Intersocial Workshop on Online Social Networks: Challenges and Perspectives (IWOSN)

Friday, June 15, 2012 Achaia Beach Hotel, Patras, Greece
Call for Contributions: The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners that work or are interested in the area of social networks to foster interactions, exchange of ideas and explore opportunities for cooperation. The event will also include invited talks, panels and open discussions on research and technologies related to Social Networks. There will be no registration fees for attending. We invite submissions of extended paper abstracts (2 pages max including, title, authors, outline, key references) to be presented during this workshop. The subject of the submissions may cover technical aspects of online social networks (such as the available tools for their analysis, related software platforms, etc) but also their societal and community impact. Accepted papers will appear online on the web page of the event and will be presented in the form of posters and/or short talks during the workshop. Extended abstracts should be submitted electronically at:  
Deadline for submission: May 15th , 2012. 
Notification: May 20th, 2012.  

Workshop Committee
Nikolaos Avouris (Univ. of Patras, Greece) co-chair Fabio Calefato (Univ. of Bari, Italy) Sophia Daskalaki (Univ. of Patras, Greece) Ioannis Fudos (Univ. of Ioannina, Greece) Filippo Lanubile (Univ. of Bari, Italy) co-chair Fabio Montefrancesco (Euromed Cultural Heritage Agency, Italy) Nicole Novielli (Univ. of Bari, Italy) Evaggelia Pitoura (Univ. of Ioannina, Greece) co-chair Peter Triantafillou (Univ. of Patras, Greece) Panayiotis Tsaparas (Univ. of Ioannina, Greece) Ubaldo Villani Lubelli (Euromed Cultural Heritage Agency, Italy)


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